I have been doing a ton of research, there is a lot out there. Five day tests, leak tests, interior room, latches, durability, etc. The Yeti always...
I painted my running gear in July 2019 with the spray on zinc chromate Not from Pettit $25 but from Lowes or Home depot for $7 used 6 cans ...
There have been a few theft threads lately. And on another popular forum there was a thread about a boatyard hit with MFD theft from consoles on...
I am curious as to anyone here stayed - legally or illegally - at Michele Pfeiffer's dock in Bute Inlet. By the way, the place is up for sale for...
Current border closure aside, is there a procedure for cross border reporting to CBP/CBSA on the Columbia River between BC and WA or is it simply a...
A boat I was looking at, someone got to first. After a survey and sea trial there were a few deficiencies and the seller will not budge on the price,....
Wife and I are FINALLY getting back to the boat mid April (hopefully) to do some boat chores, cleanup, etc. Due to COVID we have not been aboard...
Onboard internet that spans most of the globe is here. Sailing channel SVDelos has had it for over a year in an experimental form. The release for...
Hey all, Taking a crew out to Catalina from SD Bay for a couple weeks of spring break fun. It'll be my wife, our 3 kids, and a friend of theirs...
Do you agree with my mechanic? Regarding the hull below the waterline on a Cruisers Yachts 3075 - this section was clean/polish/waxed in June 2020,...
So, I was on a friend's sailboat, there to fix an outlet that stopped working. He'd tried to fix it and found a "black wire disconnected in the main.....
Looking for some used trawler ideas. Thinking late 90 models for budget constraints. Most important features to me are fuel economy, easy...
Last week when I arrived at the boat, I discovered that my 15 HP Mercury outboard motor was stolen off the transom motor mount like the one pictured.....
Because there are no official Canadian tide & current books printed anymore, I picked up a copy of Ports & Passes, thinking it would fill in the gap.....
Looking at a boat that has most of the list. However it's the wrong color. :banghead: I am wondering what the general consensus is on hull paint vs...
We've just added a new member to the family, and will need to put a litter box on the boat. Looking for innovative ideas, or someone with experience.