A friend has just modified his boat to allow the single diesel to return fuel to either tank rather than the manufacturer's original setup of return.....
Late last year we purchased a 2001 Mainship 34 Pilot. One of my projects for this winter is to make sense of the DC electrical system. I have a basic....
Water comes out from the connections at the valve if I wiggle the long neck a bit. The original inside may have worn out somehow. The under part looks...
Some of you will remember FF, over 20,000 posts and thread starts, lots of boat knowledge and opinions. Fred spent almost 30 years at his home on...
I have done my research and decided to use Cetol on my teak handrails and gunwhale caprail, rather than re-varnish. All other teak is going to be...
The marina wifi is unstable. It constantly slows down too much throwing the internet back to pre 2000. I purchased a TMobile 5g hotspot (and a plan).....
Hi All. Still plugging away with this refit! I have just ordered a new windlass, rode counter a 10mm short link chain. I don't have any real...
I am replacing the Norcold refrigerator with an Isotherm Refrigerator/freezer draw unit. My reason is because the Norcold is older, less efficient,...
We bought a boat recently. It has AIS installed and operating. In the sale process, the seller transferred the MMSI number to us, and I have...
My boat has a 24-volt bow thruster.supplied by two AGM lifeline batteries. I installed a new proMariner 24-volt charger. Is this the original...
I damaged the keel of my boat when I hit a submerged rock. I sanded and grinded out the area and I am left with a 4-inch area that needs to be...
Many of us followed the drama of the barge that broke loose in Elliott Bay in Seattle (especially those of us with a boat in a marina there). It...
Well after 33 years my Paragon Sr fresh water pump finally died. The replacement looks to be out of my price range($3500 and up) so I'm going with a.....
Our anchor windlass is a Vetus Alexander III. About 12 years old, it was last overhauled about 6 or 7 years ago. We use the windlass a lot. ...
I was recently informed of a way to retard marine growth in an onboard A/C system that I had never heard of before. The recommendation was to place.....
Hi all, I have a 2005 Hampton 558. The motor that lifts the TV up and down is starting to show signs of aging I think. When it goes up it goes up a...
Isuzu BB-4LE2 engine will not stay running. I have the above auxiliary engine. The engine will start normally, but will not stay running. ...
Here goes guys! After a season of ownership, I have some winter work on the hard in a heated storage building to address. Your comments are...